
meigui2333.com 不对您或您的企业可能遭受的任何损害负责.

meigui2333.com 不对任何账户被封禁承担责任.


meigui2333.com 仅用于推广您的 Instagram/Twitter/Facebook 或社交帐户.


我们不保证 帐户100% 的会有个人资料图片、完整的个人简介和视频动态等,当然我们努力使所有帐户更真实.

您不会将任何内容上传到meigui2333.com 网站,包括色情或暴力等不被 Instagram/Twitter/Facebook 或社交媒体社区接受内容.


您的付款方式不会退款。 存款完成后,无法撤销。 您必须将余额用于meigui2333.com订单消费.


如果您在存款后对我们提出争议或退款,我们保留终止所有未来订单的权利,禁止您访问我们的网站。 我们还保留取消我们向您或您的客户 Instagram/Facebook/Twitter 或其他社交媒体帐户发送的任何关注者或赞的权利.

在meigui2333.com下的订单在下单后将不予退款或取消。 如果订单无法交付,您将收到退款至您的meigui2333.com账户

使用黑款等欺诈活动将导致您的帐户被终止, 绝无例外.

请不要为同一链接同时使用多个服务器。 在这种情况下,我们无法为您提供正确的关注者/点赞数。 我们不会为这些订单退款.

本政策涵盖我们如何使用您的个人信息。 我们认真对待您的隐私,并将采取一切措施保护您的个人信息.

收到的任何个人信息将仅用于填写您的订单。 我们不会将您的个人信息出售或重新分发给任何人。 所有个人信息都经过加密并保存在安全的服务器中。.




Terms of Service

  1. By placing an order with our panel, you automatically accept all the below-listed terms of service weather you read them or not.
  2. We reserve the right to change these Terms of Service without notice. You are expected to read all terms of service before placing every order to ensure you are up to date with any changes or any future changes.
  3. You will only use the our website in a manner which follows all agreements made with all the social media websites on their individual Terms of Service page.
  4. Our rates are subject to change at any time without notice. The terms stay in effect in the case of rate changes.
  5. We do not guarantee a delivery time for any services. We offer our best estimation for when the order will be delivered. This is only an estimation and we will not refund orders that are processing if you feel they are taking too long.
  6. We are trying hard to deliver exactly what is expected from us by our re-sellers. In this case, we reserve the right to change a service type if we believe it necessary to complete an order.